FSC trademarks provide a guarantee to consumers that the FSC labelled products they buy come from responsible sources. The FSC trademarks enable consumers to choose products that support forest conservation, offer social benefits, and enable the market to provide an incentive for better forest management. The FSC trademarks are critical to the whole FSC system, and their use is carefully monitored to ensure their credibility and integrity.
Promotional Licence Holders work directly with FSC staff. We value our relationships with our Promotional Licence Holders and enjoy working collaboratively to promote the unique sustainability journey of each of these organisations, and the importance of their partnership with FSC.
Benefits of Becoming a Promotional Licence Holder
When your organisation becomes part of the FSC Promotional Licence Holder's program, it is joining with a broad range of retailers, brand owners and other organisations across the globe in using the power of the FSC brand to demonstrate their commitment to healthy forests and forest ecosystems, enhance their own brand recognition and show their customers they care about future generations.
As an FSC Promotional Licence Holder, your organisation can have significant influence on forestry management practices through your support for the FSC system. This includes the protection of forest ecosystems and biodiversity, eradicating deforestation and illegal logging, supporting the livelihoods of forest communities, empowering Indigenous communities, abolishing modern slavery and ensuring transparent and traceable supply chains.

As an FSC Promotional Licence Holder, you work directly with FSC ANZ to enhance your relationship with your customers. As your Trademark Service Provider, we can work closely with you to ensure you gain maximum benefit from your Promotional Licence. To find out about opportunities your organisation can explore, click here.

Trusted by Consumers
Recent global consumer research conducted by GlobeScan for the Forest Stewardship Council reveals that awareness of and trust in FSC is on the rise, reflecting a trend toward conscious consumerism e.g. 76% of shoppers who are aware of FSC will choose an FSC-certified product over its non-certified equivalent.
Holding a Promotional Licence with FSC enhances the reputation and credibility of your organisation’s sustainability story. With FSC, your business can demonstrate to consumers that your purchasing, sourcing, and packaging are socially and environmentally responsible.
Read more about the findings from the GlobeScan research by clicking on the button below.

Check Your Organisation is Eligible
Your organisation is eligible to apply for an FSC Promotional Licence if it:
- Sells finished FSC certified products to end users (e.g. retailers).
- Uses finished FSC certified products in your own operations (e.g. hotels and universities).
- Sells consulting, training or educational services related to FSC and/or the FSC system.
- Wants to promote your completed FSC certified projects.
Promotional Tools
FSC Tools to Promote your Sustainability Story
- FSC Trademark Portal
Promotional license holders get complimentary access to the FSC Trademark Portal. Amongst other things, this portal provides Promotional Licence Holders with access to generate their FSC Promotional Panel, which includes their unique FSC licence code. These panels can be used on websites, in catalogues, on brochures, in social media campaigns and for other off-product promotional materials. - FSC Marketing and Communications Toolkit
Promotional licence holders get access to the marketing and communications toolkit. This platform provides ready-to-use digital and in-print promotional materials like web banners and posters. Moreover, it also contains campaign examples and ideas from across the world.