FSC Contributions to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

The work of FSC is helping achieve 40 targets under 14 sustainable development goals (SDGs). FSC helps achieve sustainable forest management in the world, one of the targets of SDG 15 (Life on Land). The broad environmental, social, and economic focus of the FSC forest stewardship principles also contribute to the SDGs focused on poverty, equality, natural resources, production and consumption patterns, decent work, climate change, inclusive and accountable societies, and global partnerships.


SDG Videos

Eudoxie's Story

Gender Equality

Climate Action

Quality Education

Pertii's Story

Responsible Consumption and Production

TaiMi's Story

No poverty

Life on land

Forests in Finland

Osvaldo and Luis' Story

Nina and Jenny's Story

Sawmill in Gabon

Partnerships for the Goals

Good Health and Well-being

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Zero Hunger

Clean Water and Sanitation

Together we are FSC

Go on an adventure around the globe to meet the people behind the world's FSC-certified forests.

Together we have the power to safeguard our planet for future generations.