People, Planet, Product: Promotional Licence Holders Program
A partnership with FSC ANZ competitively enhances the reputation and credibility of your organisation's sustainability commitments. It also enables your organisation to stand out as an industry leader in responding to the risks of climate change.
Become an industry leader by shifting the global forest trend towards sustainable use, conservation, restoration, and respect for all, through the use of a Promotional Licence.

Sustainability & Climate Change
Forests play an integral role in the fight against climate change. They are a stabilising force that regulate ecosystems, protect biodiversity, play a vital role in the carbon cycle, support livelihoods, and supply goods and services that can drive sustainable growth.
Commit to environmental sustainability and the protection of the world’s forests by partnering with FSC ANZ. Our rigorous standards address important environmental issues, including the maintenance of forest biodiversity, the protection of water catchments and habitat preservation for native wildlife. In Australia, this includes the protection of vulnerable species like the koala and rare and threatened species like the wedge-tailed eagle and their habitats as well as rare, threatened, or endangered ecosystems like old-growth forest.
Tim Cronin, Senior Manager of Species Conservation at WWF Australia
"The bushfires of 2020 showed us, more than ever, how precious, and precarious our natural world is. COVID 19 has highlighted the deep interconnection between planetary health and human health. FSC is one way businesses and consumers can help transition to a society and economy that values nature, and stops taking it for granted."

FSC prohibits illegal logging, forest degradation and deforestation.
Our strict standard requirements ensure that certified-forest managers maintain their forest cover and maintain, enhance, and preserve forest ecosystems for future generations. FSC certification is an important tool to secure the necessary protective measures to prevent degradation and conversion of natural forests to plantations or non-forest uses.
By supporting a market for sustainable forest products, your organisation is helping to combat deforestation. Contribute to the fight against illegal logging and report on your organisation's support of responsible forest management with FSC.

Transparent & Traceable Supply Chain
Purchasing and promoting FSC certified products demonstrates your organisation's commitment to the responsible and ethical sourcing of wood, paper, and other forest products.
As an FSC Promotional Licence Holder you can communicate to your customers that your products have been sourced and manufactured through responsibly managed forests, ensuring sustainable and ethical procurement.
Prioritising FSC certified suppliers helps businesses to minimise their own impacts whilst influencing their supply chains to do the same. When Promotional Licence Holders encourage and support their supply chains towards FSC certification, the whole supply chain benefits from the improvement of social and environmental practices that lift the bar for all.

Support Local Communites
A partnership with FSC supports the protection of forests and communities that rely upon them.
Local consultation is an essential part of the FSC certification process. FSC is committed to building strong relationships with regional forest communities through prioritising local employment, training, and business engagement wherever possible.
FSC requires certified forest managers to identify who is affected by forest management activities and identify, avoid and mitigate significant negative social, environmental and economic impacts of their management activities on affected communities. Certificate holders are also required to protect any sites of special cultural, ecological, economic, religious or spiritual significance for which local communities hold legal or customary rights.

Empower Indigenous Communities
Your partnership with FSC ANZ supports and empowers Indigenous communities.
FSC standards strictly require consultation with local Indigenous peoples with the intention of protecting and maintaining their rights. Becoming a Promotional Licence Holder with FSC ANZ demonstrates your organisation's support for a system that empowers the voice of Indigenous peoples on the continued management and preservation of the worlds forests.
Modern Slavery
Conformity with the ILO Core Labour Requirements is mandatory in FSC supply chains. This ensures workers engaged in the production and distribution of FSC certified products are treated fairly and respectfully and are provided with safe workplaces. The protections of workers' rights also help organisations sourcing FSC certified products to meet the requirements of Australia's Modern Slavery Act 2018 regarding human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced labour, debt bondage, forced marriage and child labour.

Globally Recognised and Respected
Internationally recognised as the world's most trusted forest certification scheme, FSC’s rigorous and globally consistent standards provide organisations and communities with a high level of confidence in our trademarks.
The FSC Certification scheme is supported by the worlds most respected environmental NGO’s such as Greenpeace, WWF, and the Wilderness Society. It is the preferred certification scheme across leading retailers in Australia and New Zealand and is the most widely used by members of the Fortune 500. FSC is the only timber certification system currently recognised by the Green Building Council of Australia’s Responsible Products Framework. FSC is also the only forest management certification scheme that is accepted by the Living Future Institute of Australia’s Living Building Challenge.
FSC is the only forest certification scheme member of ISEAL Alliance, the global association for sustainability standards. We are also founding members of the Trusted Labels Group in Australia and New Zealand.